
NOVAMONT is a young company with a firm interest in innovation and research and a strong international focus. Our company can provide a unique experience at both a professional and human level.
We believe that our future belongs largely on our ability to invest in knowledge and training of young generations and, above all, on the ability to transform this new knowledge into social and economic value for the territories. For this reason, in addition to being an industrial and research company, we promote the development of technical and scientific knowledge in the bioeconomy sector and the acquisition of a systemic and multidisciplinary vision, and we collaborate with leading public research organizations and Italian and international universities to offer highly qualified training programs for researchers.
Thanks to our sustainable development model, we are highly oriented towards innovation and research, with a strong international focus, and an ideal chance to gain a unique experience on at both a professional and human level. For this reason, we are looking for people who can share our mission and the values of our company. Open-minded and flexible people, highly motivated to grow professionally and use their own skills to benefit the whole organization, in a constant effort of general grow. People who are genuinely interested for continuous innovation, aimed at sustainable development and the protection of the environment and of the natural capital.
We are seeking the best candidates at all levels: an academic experience in schools and universities of recognized quality, particularly in the scientific faculties, with the highest results; professional experience in leading companies and an in-depth knowledge of English, preferably strengthened by studies or work activities abroad.