wednesday 19th february 2014



Over 200 experts from the sector from Europe and North America will meet to discuss a priority issue
for governments throughout the world

Novara, 19 February 2014 – The problem of waste requires a structured solution which must be
adopted without delay in order to protect the planet and its inhabitants. This is the issue being debated
by the world’s leading experts on February 20-21 at the Anaerobic Digestion Europe 2014 Conference
in Dublin.

As well as sponsoring the event, Novamont will present a range of best practices and during the opening session it will illustrate an Italian experience of bioeconomy which was created through synergies between the bioplastics sector, virtuous systems for separate collection and the compost and renewable energy industries. The result is an alternative development model involving an entire chain of operators, centered on the efficient use of resources.

“There are strong synergies between the use of compostable products like our bioplastics and the production of renewable energy and quality compost from organic waste,” said Christian Garaffa, Novamont’s Marketing Manager for Source Separation and Recycling and the keynote speaker at the conference. “Each of us produces a large quantity of organic waste which, on average, makes up a third of the total amount of waste produced. With new policies to stimulate the recovery of resources and the production of renewable energy, including biogas, it is more important than ever to ensure efficient separation and collection of organic waste in order to make best use of it, transforming it into biogas and high quality compost, thereby closing the organic carbon cycle,” said Garaffa.

It is essential that we use equipment to make the collection and capture of organic waste convenient, hygienic and efficient if these strategies are to succeed. In this respect, systems that are already using compostable bags and catering products made from Mater-Bi® have demonstrated their superiority and efficiency in achieving these objectives. Compostable products made from Mater-Bi® have proven to be more effective in increasing the capture of organic waste and ensuring it finishes up in anaerobic digestion plants. In particular, the use of bags and bin liners made from Mater-Bi® for the collection of grass cuttings and food waste sent to digestion facilities has shown excellent results in terms of capture and treatment.

Waste biogas plants in Northern Italy and elsewhere provide a perfect example, representing global excellence in this industrial sector.The keynote speech “Novamont and Mater-Bi®: A Case Study of Bioeconomy in Europe” will be given by Christian Garaffa on 20 February at 10:10 am. The best practices: “Anaerobic Digestion and Bioplastics: a Strong Alliance for Optimal Food” and “Waste Capture Rates, Higher Biogas Yields and Quality Compost Production” will be presented on 21 February at 9:50 am.

Novamont is the leading company in the development and production of materials and biochemicals through the integration of chemistry, the environment and agriculture. With 323 employees (20% employed full time in R&D), it registered a turnover of €135 million in 2012 and made continuous investments in research and development activities (4.9% of its 2012 turnover). It has a portfolio of around 1,000 patents. It has its headquarters in Novara, a production facility in Terni and research laboratories in Novara, Terni and Piana di Monte Verna (CE). Novamont has subsidiaries in Porto Torres (SS) and Bottrighe (RO). It has commercial offices in Germany, France and the United States and operates through its own distributors in Benelux, Scandinavia, Denmark, the United Kingdom, China, Japan, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

Novamont press office –
Tel.: +39 0321 699611
Cell.: +39 340 1166426